Have you noticed that those exulted ones just present the viewpoint of the audience currently listening? Even if on the SAME issue - these exulted ones - will gave the diametrically OPPOSITE viewpoint just days before with ANOTHER audience. Contradictory? For the rest of us, sure - but for them, just another day. They disguise their contradictions by using another language - or at least try. Such is the life and work of those who are “diplomatic”… and disingenuous.
UN Envoy to Libya Martin Kobler gave an interview to France24 in French yesterday. (The France government is currently an overtly Pro-Heftar territory.) Although heavily edited, (we aren’t sure why), we provided a few applicable excerpts of that interview.
As for the diplomatic and disingenuous – we note that Mr. Kobler was in another Libyan town - Misrata only a few days earlier. His comments in Paris yesterday were most definitely not what he told those Libyans only days earlier.
31 May 2016 UN Envoy Martin Kolber speaking with France24:
:00 - :24
“I have been working incessantly with colleagues to convince those who are not in accord with this (accepting General Haftar). We can offer the General Haftar the role of Supreme Commander. Interviewer: What kind of role would you propose to him? There is the General Command of Army but he must recognize (that he would be under) the supervision and the supreme command of the Presidential Council.”
:24 - :42
“The accord (GNA) is very flexible (and can accommodate a role). (To grant him a role), we must be creative. It can be an adjoining forces or a collective effort . . . He has to be in contact with GNA. He must say “OK” to the West (GNA). I would like to discuss these points with General Heftar.”
Our observation is that after watching this interview with Mr. Kobler’s “I would like to discuss these points with General Heftar” - it almost felt like a talk show where Mr. Heftar is backstage, ready to run in take a seat to discuss his future…. Mr. Heftar, Come on down!
And when you think Mr. Kobler’s Parisian dialogue can’t become any more convoluted, he steps in with a prior interview with a French Sunday magazine. In that published interview. Mr. Kobler states that Mr. Heftar DOES NOT possess an army - rather it's composed of Gaddafi loyalists, Sudanese and Chadian Mercenaries and tribal forces.
Nor does Mr. Heftar possess the consolidated territories that he claims. We ponder is this in reference to Mr. Heftar’s claim to control Benghazi? Or even Cyrenaica? Subsequently, note the backhanded way Mr. Kobler admitted that Mr. Heftar utilizes mercenaries. By admitting Mr. Heftar has employed foreign mercenaries it is a violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1970 (Point 9) which notes:
Arms embargo
9. Decides that ALL MEMBER STATES shall immediately take the necessary measures to prevent the direct or indirect SUPPLY, SALE OR TRANSFER to the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, from or through their territories or by their nationals, or using their flag vessels or aircraft, of arms and related materiel of all types, including weapons and ammunition, military vehicles and equipment, paramilitary equipment, and spare parts for the aforementioned, and technical assistance, training, financial or other assistance, related to military activities or the provision, maintenance or use of any arms and related materiel, including the provision of ARMED MERCENARY PERSONNEL whether or not originating in their territories…”
JDD’s 29 May 21016 interview with UN Envoy Martin Kobler:
Our translation:
“Question: But the General Haftar has already said that he is the Head of the National Libyan Army and he is fighting Islamic State. . .
Kobler: We must support all combat against Islamic State. As well as the embargo against the arms. It’s this problem that has engulfed the international community! Even though Haftar does not possess an army nor a consolidated territory which he claims (to possess). His army . .(is made up of) former Gaddafi supporters, mercenaries from Sudan and Chad, as well as the tribal forces. There are also American and French Special Forces in the territory, the militias of Misrata. However, none of this is sufficient in defeating IS. We need all bases (forces) to be consolidated for combat, a modern, regular army.”
We noted that the irony or is it hypocrisy how Mr. Kobler admits in the France24 interview that “I have been working incessantly with colleagues to convince those who are not in accord with this (accepting General Haftar) And yet in the JDD interview notes Mr. Heftar is a man who is not currently the head of a regular army, rather a loose group of assorted militias, and who has violated - with impunity - a UN Security Council resolution against mercenaries and yet, is slated to be rewarded with the role of “General Commander of the Armed Forces.”
The question is how is how Mr. Kolber’s comments and contradictions going to play in Libya with Mr. Kobler talking out of both sides of his mouth. We look forward to watching that unfold.
Applicable links:
"En Libye, ce sont les Libyens qui doivent combattre Daech", selon l'ONU - France 24
JDD « L'envoyé spécial de l'ONU confirme que des forces françaises combattent en Libye”
« Mais le général Haftar dit déjà qu’il est le chef de l’armée nationale libyenne et il combat l’EI…
Nous devons soutenir tout combat contre l’Etat islamique. Mais il y a aussi un embargo sur les armes. C’est dans ce dilemme qu’est plongée la communauté internationale! Reste qu’Haftar ne dispose pas d’une armée et d’un territoire très consolidé comme il le prétend. Son armée, c’est plutôt la somme de forces régulières, d’anciens kadhafistes, de mercenaires venant du Soudan ou du Tchad, ou encore des forces tribales. Il y a aussi des forces spéciales françaises ou américaines qui sont sur le terrain, les milices de Misrata. Mais tout cela n’est pas suffisant pour vaincre l’EI. Il faut des bases consolidées pour ce combat, une armée régulière moderne. »
UN Security Council Resolution 1970: https://www.icc-cpi.int/NR/rdonlyres/081A9013-B03D-4859-9D61-5D0B0F2F5EFA/0/1970Eng.pdf
Our posts and articles on the violations of UNSC Resolution of 1970 with respect to the arms & mercenaries:
“Where Libya Stands”: https://plus.google.com/117575980301048274406/posts/g1mNCgG5fdY
“The Making of an Epic Battle”: https://plus.google.com/117575980301048274406/posts/JeEXNS951jn
Our Legal Opinion KHALIFA HEFTAR: Systemic Violations of US & International Law? http://wp.me/p3vsEO-1KB
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