
dijous, 26 de maig del 2016

Aqilah Saleh: Presidential Council defies the Libyans’ will, steals legitimacy


The Speaker of the Tobruk-based HoR, Aqilah Saleh, said what the Presidential Council is doing is no more than stealing if the legitimacy from the HoR and defiance to the Libyans’ free will.
In a statement Sunday, Saleh said the Presidential Council was not elected by the HoR and was picked and nominated then approved outside the HoR.
Libyans will not accept to approve this government (GNA) except through the inclusion of the constitutional declaration and voting for the ministerial portfolios after showing the curriculum vitae of all ministers inside the HoR’s headquarters.” Saleh said.
He added that the natural meeting spot between him and Al-Serraj, the head if the Presidential Council, is in Tobruk, saying any place outside it will be off the natural political track.

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