
dissabte, 14 de maig del 2016


LIBYAN TRIBES  (Alphabetical Order)
Awaqir: East. A force in Libya since the Ottoman Empire. Senior positions in Gaddafi’s regime.
Awajila: East Desert. Claims it will defend oilfields. Berber.
Dababisa: West.
Farjan: East. Power base in Ajdabiya, Sirte, Zilten, and Tripoli.
Jarsha: West.
Kargala: East.
Kawafi: West.
Kawar: Southern Desert. Power base: Kaouar region.
Magariha: West. Tribe with strongest and longest allegiance to Gaddafi. Traditional base Sabha in the south. Shown by last name: al-Megrahi. Persons of note: Gaddafi brother-in-law Al-Senussi of  Gaddafi Inner Circle; Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi.
Mahjoub: West.
Maraariha: Tripoli. West.
Masamir: East. Tribe known for its religious piety.
Maslata: Tripoli. West.
Masrata: Tripoli. West. Supposed to be the biggest tribe in Tripoli. Power base: Sabha in the south.
Misurata: East. Largest and most influential tribe, especially in Benghazi and Darneh. Name from the Misurata region which is in northwestern Libya.
Mujarba: West. Anti-Gaddafi. Have declared will protect oilfields. Anti-Gaddafi.
Obeidat (Abdiyat): East. Power base: Tobruk. Made up of about 15 sub-tribes. Persons of note: Abdul Fattah Younis al-Obeidi, Gaddafi’s #2 now anti-Gaddafi.
Qadhafah: Central Coastal. Powerbase: Sirte between Benghazi and Tripoli. Reported to control the Air Force. Gaddafi’s tribe.
Ramla: East.
Sawali: West.
Tawajeer: East.
Toureg: Southern Desert group. Made up of sub-tribes. Reported pro-Gaddafi.
Tubo: South.
Warfalla: Tripoli. West. Anti-Gaddafi. Million member tribe. Major player in failed 1993 coup.
Zamoura: West.
Zawaiya. Tripoli. West. Anti-Gaddafi. Promised to protect airfields.
Zintan: West. Anti-Gaddafi’s. Powerbase: Az Zintan south of Tripoli. Major player in failed 1993 coup.

MaraarihaMaslataMasrata: Supposed to be the biggest tribe in Tripoli. Power base: Sabha in the south.
Warfalla: Anti-Gaddafi. Million member tribe. Major player in failed 1993 coup.
Zawaiya. Tripoli. Anti-Gaddafi. Promised to protect airfields.
DababisaJarshaKawafiMagariha: Tribe with strongest and longest allegiance to Gaddafi. Traditional base Sabha in the south. Shown by last name: al-Megrahi. Persons of note: Gaddafi brother-in-law Al-Senussi of Inner Circle; Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi.MahjoubMaraariha: Tripoli.
Maslata: Tripoli.
Masrata: Tripoli. Supposed to be the biggest tribe in Tripoli. Power base: Sabha in the south.
Mujarba: Anti-Gaddafi. Have declared will protect oilfields. Anti-Gaddafi.
SawaliWarfalla: Tripoli. Anti-Gaddafi. Million member tribe. Major player in failed 1993 coup.
ZamouraZawaiya. Tripoli.  Anti-Gaddafi. Promised to protect airfields.
Zintan: Anti-Gaddafi’s. Powerbase: Az Zintan south of Tripoli. Major player in failed 1993 coup.
Awaqir: A force in Libya since the Ottoman Empire. Senior positions in Gaddafi’s regime.
Awajila: Desert tribe claiming it will defend oilfields. Berber.
Farjan: Power base in Ajdabiya, Sirte, Zilten, and Tripoli.
KargalaMasamir:  Tribe known for its religious piety.
Misurata:  Largest and most influential tribe, especially in Benghazi and Darneh. Name from the Misurata region which is in northwestern Libya.
Obeidat (Abdiyat):  Power base: Tobruk. Made up of about 15 sub-tribes. Persons of note: Abdul Fattah Younis al-Obeidi, Gaddafi’s #2 now anti-Gaddafi.RamlaTawajeer
Qadhafah:  Powerbase: Sirte between Benghazi and Tripoli. Reported to control the Air Force. Gaddafi’s own tribe.
Awajila:  Claims it will defend oilfields. Berber.
Kawar: Power base: Kaouar region.
Toureg:  Made up of sub-tribes. Reported pro-Gaddafi.
Tubo: Sabha, Kofra, Gatroon

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